Celebrating Galentine’s day?

Growing up, Valentine's day was always a holiday that my parents celebrated with us. They never made it about couples, but mainly about the love we had for each other! My mom would cook a special meal, and my sister and I would get a little Valentine's day goodie bags. That might be the reason … Continue reading Celebrating Galentine’s day?

DIY: Teeth Whitening

I have been in a HUGE DIY phase lately & I love it. I started getting into DIY's from my old college roomie Allie (who will hopefully be guest writing for The Telescope Daily sometime soon) 🙂 Anywho- If you are anything like me, you have tried SO many different ways to attempt to get … Continue reading DIY: Teeth Whitening

DIY: Sharpie Mug

My brother and sister-in-law just had their first baby! In the midst of the chaos of such an exciting time in their lives- I wanted to create something that would celebrate them and new parents. ❤ They are both big coffee drinkers, and who doesn't love a cute mug? I for one have a collection … Continue reading DIY: Sharpie Mug

DIY: Scalp Detox

If you're like me- your hair goes through "the motions." Somedays I want to cut it, other days I want to grow it out like Pochauntas. Somedays it feels dry and others its GREASY! Come'on hair- get your sh*t together. Anyways, today I will be walking you through a DIY Scalp Detox + how it … Continue reading DIY: Scalp Detox

OH BABY! Baby Shower Gifts, Decorations + a Fun Game

Our sister-in-law is preggo with her FIRST babe! We decided to seize the opportunity and document our little journey in the celebrating our nephews impending arrival. ❤ The Game: Baby Jeopardy The Rules To keep the fairness we decided to have the baby momma call out the categories Each guest was given a sheet of … Continue reading OH BABY! Baby Shower Gifts, Decorations + a Fun Game